Country information: Bosnia and HerzegovinaGeneral informationPrimary legislation:
"Law on Electronic Signature (Official Gazette of BiH, 91/06)"
Primary legislation (link):
Secondary legislation:
"Law on Electronic Legal and Business Transactions (Official Gazzete of BiH, 88/07)", "Law on Electronic Document (Official Gazette of BiH, 58/14)"
Secondary legislation (link):
http://www.mkt.gov.ba/dokumenti/informatizacija/zakoni/zakoni/default.aspx?id=3572&langTag=bs-BA, http://www.mkt.gov.ba/dokumenti/informatizacija/zakoni/zakoni/default.aspx?id=4065&langTag=bs-BA
Obligatory technical documents:
"Rulebook on detailed conditions for issuing qualified certificates (Official Gazette of BiH, 14/17)", "Rulebook on the Record of verifiers (Official Gazette of BiH, 14/17)", "Rulebook on the measures and procedures for the use and protection of electronic signature, electronic signature formation devices and the certification system (Official Gazette of BiH, 14/17)"
Obligatory technical documents (link):
http://www.mkt.gov.ba/dokumenti/informatizacija/zakoni/podzakoni/default.aspx?id=5623&langTag=bs-BA, http://www.mkt.gov.ba/dokumenti/informatizacija/zakoni/podzakoni/default.aspx?id=5622&langTag=bs-BA, http://www.mkt.gov.ba/dokumenti/informatizacija/zakoni/podzakoni/default.aspx?id=5624&langTag=bs-BA
Body responsible for supervision (Art. 17 of Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014)Office of this bodyMinistarstvo komunikacija i prometa Bosne i Hercegovine
Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Trg BiH 1, 71000 Sarajevo
Tel: +387 33 284 751
Fax: +387 33 284 751
Email: kabinet@mkt.gov.ba
Website: http://www.mkt.gov.ba
Member of FESA: yes
Associate member of FESA: no
Body responsible for establishing, maintaining and publishing trusted lists (Art. 22 of Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014)Ministarstvo komunikacija i prometa Bosne i Hercegovine
Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Trg BiH 1, 71000 Sarajevo
Tel: +387 33 284 751
Fax: +387 33 284 751
Email: kabinet@mkt.gov.ba
Website: http://www.mkt.gov.ba
Member of FESA: yes
Associate member of FESA: no